Trying to keep up with news in Turkey?

Let us help! Sign up for our weekly newsletter — sent every Thursday — to follow the main stories in Turkey. Written by journalists based in the country, Turkey recap breaks down events from the last seven days with puns blazing.

About us

Turkey recap is an independent, reader-supported news platform created to help observers, analysts and the rest of us make sense of the fast-paced Turkey news cycle.

We launched our English-language newsletter in Oct. 2019 and have since expanded our publications to include Turkish-language newsletters, in-depth reports and a variety of members-only news tracking tools available to Turkey recap supporters via Patreon and Substack.

Turkey recap is produced by the Kolektif Medya Derneği, our İstanbul-based non-profit association founded in Aug. 2023 to support and elevate news media and journalists in Turkey.

Our team members include Gonca Tokyol, Ingrid Woudwijk, Verda Uyar and Diego Cupolo, who co-founded the platform with Raziye Akkoç.

Get in touch

For more information, visit our web site, Send us your feedback or pitches, we’re working to grow this platform:

Subscribe to Turkey recap

The independent, reader-supported newsletter on Turkish politics & foreign affairs. Pun-tification included.


Multimedia journalist based in Istanbul, Turkey
Freelance journalist based in İstanbul covers Turkey
Bahcesehir University - New Media Student Turkey recap - Intern
Freelance newspaper and radio journalist in Istanbul, managing editor of Turkey recap
contributes for Turkey recap, digital growth @ SPI International
Turkey recap intern